Monday Made It - Cute Clothes Pins!

I have two latest crafts: one for the house and one for school!

First up, the house!  I decided to stain and polyurethane the dresser in my kids' room.  My uncle had built it for me when I was in college and it had never been finished.  The top had lots of water marks and the front of the drawer had sticky residue from Audrey putting stickers everywhere.  After sanding, staining, wiping, drying, sanding again, polyurethaning, and drying again, it's complete! Here it is!

I'm so excited about my latest school craft project - cute clothes pins!  My school has outdoor breezeways instead of hallways, so I have a line outside my room instead of a bulletin board.  Most other teachers in my hall never hang work outside, but I do every week.  The kids and parents both love it!  I honestly don't know why more teachers dont take advantage of this opportunity to show of their students' work.

I clip up my students' work with regular wooden clothes pins.  And while they work, I knew that I wanted to cutesy them up.

I gathered my supplies:

  • Clothes pins
  • Washi Tape (mine is from Very Jane)
  • Mod Podge
  • Foam brush
  • Hot glue gun 

First, I positioned the Washi Tape on the clothes pins and trimmed it to fit.  I brushed Mod Podge over the tape so it wouldn't peel.  I then collected small shells from the beach and hot glued them to the top of each pin.

I then took them outside and tested them out on my clothes line in our carport.

This is the fish from my new Pout Pout book study
I love them!  Cute and the shells go with my tropical beach theme.  How else could you use cute clips like this in your classroom?


  1. I love that you added the shell on them, very cute!

  2. I taught once in a school with outdoor breezeways rather than traditional hallways, but I never put things out on the wall. There was always so much more than a breeze! All of the kids' work would have blown away! I wish it would have been less windy to be able to put up work.

    Now I work in a school with hallways, so I'm always putting things on my bulletin board in the hallway. It makes me sort of happy to put their work on the wall. :)

    First Grade with Ms. Dawley

  3. So cute! I used mod-podged clothespins on my bulletin board this year (no more staple removing to change out work!) and this summer I'm making sets for other teachers who wanted some! They also make great Christmas presents if you gift a set along with a length of red 2-inch grosgrain ribbon as Christmas card hangers.

  4. Love it! You are so smart to utilize the clothes line! Those clothespins are adorable! Love the shell accents!

    The Polished Teacher
