How Inventive! A New TpT Unit Giveaway and a FREEBIE! {giveaway closed}

Back when I taught 3rd grade in Oregon, one of our science standards was to learn about inventions.  Students were to create a prototype and test it.  My district used OCDE Project GLAD® (Guided Language Acquisition) units to teach science that teachers in the district wrote.  The people who wrote the inventors unit were not given a lot of resources or time, so the unit was lacking.  Because of this, I decided to write my own!  I taught my unit to incoming 4th graders at summer school, tweaked it, then taught it again to my 3rd graders that year.  I tweaked it again and used parts of it (the informational text and biography writing) with my 2nd graders this past year.  Now it is all ready for TpT and I can't wait to teach the whole unit this year!  It is by far the best version of the unit!

To introduce the unit, I start off with a KWL.  I want to know what background knowledge the kids come in with.  I then give the Pre Test.  There are 4 different homework sheets, too, that involve the families.

The next step is to build academic vocabulary.  I whole-heartedly believe that students can handle this type of technical vocabulary,  We just have to break it down for them in easy to understand chunks.  Students will predict the definitions, look up the origin of the word in a dictionary to study the root, draw pictures of the word, and finally define the word.  I have essential vocab and additional vocab in this pack with picture clues and definitions.  I also have a literacy center for matching vocab words and definitions.

 Poetry is the best way to learn new content!  Kids will get these songs and chants stuck in their heads!  My class likes to sing all day long and some kids will choose to read their poetry books during Read to Self or even as recess!

Each inventor has a poster with a motivational quote, informational text, various sheets to choose from for note taking, various sheets to choose from for organizing an essay, and paper for writing a biography.  You can choose to split up your class and have each group learn and write about one inventor, then teach each other in a Jigsaw manner, or you can have all students learn about all inventors.  It's up to you!

These activities are for when you are done learning about the individual inventors.  Sheets are included for if you choose to do a jigsaw and students can write down information that they learn from each other.  There is also a geography and timeline activity to tie in Social Studies.

This is such a fun, new component!  When I found out that Holly Durst from The Bachelor wrote children's books and that her book, Chocolate Socks was about inventing something, I knew it would be perfect for this unit!  In her book, the main character wants to combine two of her favorite things in the world: chocolate and socks!  She makes them on a conveyor belt (brings in some Henry Ford history!) and shares them with her friends.  It is a darling book about being creative and following your dreams!

In my literature connection, I created two writing prompts, a synonym literacy center, and an invention brainstorming sheet.  This book is a great segue into the Invention Project!

The last component is the Invention Project!  Students will go through the steps of the Scientific Method to create their own product!  How fun!

Here are some of the inventions my kids came up with when I taught 3rd grade:

"Camera with a radio"

"Radio Shirt"

Pretty funny!  The kids loved this culminating activity and it brings in those scientific method standards!

Does this look like something that you could use in your classroom?  Well I am going to giveaway one of my units and a Signed copy of Holly's book, Chocolate Socks!  Enter below! GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED.

And as a freebie for all of you, you can download the literacy center, Synonym Socks, that I made with go with Holly's book!  Just click the picture to download.  Enjoy!


  1. If I could create anything it would be a cloning machine so I could have more than one "me" to teach in the classroom! ;) lol Ok in reality I wish there was a pencil that never needed sharpening or lead that had to be refilled. :)

    1. Forgot to add: Thanks for the freebie and the giveaway!

  2. I would create a machine to fold laundry!!

  3. If I could create anything, it would probably be a car that drove itself (like always on autopilot). That way I could relax while driving my car :) instead of worrying about all other drivers (because they would have the same autopilot car as mine too). I think that there would be less car accidents that way too :) Thanks for the opportunity for this giveaway...I think that my students would truly love to invent something and talk about it.

  4. I would make a kitchen cooker machine like in the Jetson's. You type in what you want to eat and it makes it. Because I don't cook.

  5. I'd invent ice cream that burns calories. The more you eat, the more you lose! :)


  6. I would invent a glue bottle that doesn't clog up!!1

  7. I would invent a laundry folder and put away-er! lol

  8. I would invent a calming fidget that helps my students with autism through frustrations without needing breaks from instruction with their peers.

  9. I would invent a robot that keeps my house clean and runs for me (of course, I stay in shape from her hard work). lol

  10. What a fun giveaway! Your new unit looks fabulous! I'm with Lauren-- I would definitely invent an autopilot car! I absolutely hate driving!!!

    EduKate and Inspire

  11. I would create an oven that was smart. As soon as a timer went off, the over would turn off so the food would not burn!
    Whole Brain Teaching in the Ladybug Club

  12. I would invent an instant weight loss and toning drink. Thanks for the freebie and giveaway!

  13. I would create a translator app. There are so many different languages in the world and different dialects within those languages. With this "app" it would automatically detect what an individual is saying and translate it for you. (Just imagine how much easier watching Honey Boo Boo would be with this thing! LOL!) Oh you could speak into it to and it would translate your language if needed.

  14. Such a fun post! I would create a printer that never ran out of ink!! Thank you for the freebie and giveaway!

  15. I would invent a spray that could be used on children that would freeze them in their tracks so that I could redirect them and keep them out of trouble!

  16. This is really difficult to decide, but it should be so easy. I think I would invent a robot that would clean my house, including not only the cleaning, but putting away all of the clutter. :)

  17. I would create a machine to pack, unpack, and organize my classroom so I would not have to do it each summer! Thank you for the freebie and giveaway!

  18. I would like to create an auto-filing paper system to help with all of the papers I seem to have.

  19. I would invent a time machine so that I have more time to plan and create along with the everyday work out, eat, and sleep that needs to happen during the school year. Thanks for the opportunity.

  20. I would invent a ray gun that tells me what people are thinking!

    Great giveaway!!

    Mindful Rambles

  21. I would invent a way to slow down time!!! I always need more time in my day.

  22. I would invent a way to make a long soaking bath a weight loss method!!
    I could be sooo skinny!


  23. This looks adorable! I would love something that could unload the dyer and then either hang it up in my closet or fold it and put it my drawers. Wouldn't that be nice?

  24. I can tell you put a lot of effort into this and it is so cute! Thank you! If I could invent anything it would have to be the ability to be in two places at the same time-here in Florida and in Texas with my grandkids!
    PS-I am not on Twitter or Instagram.

  25. I would invent a remote control robot to clean for me. Buttons would guide to specific room and job.
    Toni Nicholson

  26. I would invent a time machine. I would love to go back and do a few things different. Ok, I would do a lot of things different.

  27. If I could create anything, it would be a time machine that can stop time and keep the memories as fresh as we always thought they would be.

  28. My first thought was a time machine but that seems to be the most popular invention! I also like the auto-filing system for all the paper in my room.

  29. Thanks for the giveaway. I think I'd like to invent a flying car. So, when I'm stuck on the highway during rush hour traffic, I could just press a button and lift off.

  30. Something that recognize WHY my lawnmower doesn't work!!!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  31. Your blog looks great! You have awesome ideas!

  32. Oh and I would love a housecleaning machine:)

  33. I would create a machine to clean my house!!!!

  34. invent something to automatically grade papers or to constantly suck up the dust in my house??? Decisions, decisions...

  35. If I could create anything I would invent a machine that would hook up to my brain, read my brain waves and instantaneously turn my thoughts into report card comments.

    Your unit looks fabulous! :-)

    Elementary School Garden
