Black Friday Sale
Happy Black Friday! I'm throwing a 20% off sale today in my TpT store!! :) ...
Happy Black Friday! I'm throwing a 20% off sale today in my TpT store!! :) ...
My friends Fern and Michelle recently came up with a new idea. Each week, they are going to make one of their normally priced packets free for one day. This is a way of showing a little appreciation to their followers who have loyally followed their blogs. ...
I was under the weather this weekend, but it did give me some time to finish up some things that I've been working on lately! I'm usually a pretty slow creator because I get side tracked and I'm sure picky about how my units look. Those two things combined do not equal ...
Last year, I posted an adorable video of my son using the Classroom Friendly Supplies pencil sharpener. You can go see that here. All my students love using that pencil sharpener, but every time there is a new parent helper or a sub, they just can't figure it out. Adults, ...
At the beginning of last year, I moved into a classroom that had seen many teachers come and go. It was apparent to me that no one had really called this classroom home, as there was a mish-mash of stuff everywhere. Being a pretty neat and tidy person, I set to work ...
I'm joining Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday! Last week we started our nocturnal animals unit by Surfin Through Second: We learned about bats and used bits of Erica's Bat unit and Reagan's Stellaluna unit. We read a Reading A-Z book about bats, gathered ...
I'm linking up with Jennifer over at Teaching With Grace to share pictures of what my classroom REALLY looks like! When I take pictures of my products or fun things we are doing, I often tidy up first. But, as you know, a messy classroom means that children are learning! Via ...
I'm linking up with Denise for My Truth Monday. This week she's asking about how we became teachers. Did we always know? Did something change? Here's mine: So, I guess I've always known! Of course there are days that I fantasize about having a job that ...
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