My little blog just reached 100,000 page views and I am so excited! To reward my lovely readers, why not have an amazing giveaway?? This is one you will definitely want to enter - 26 different winners will receive a teaching unit from a top blogger. One grand prize winner will receive all the units, along with a Scotch thermal laminator from me!
Teaching Units included in the Giveaway:
1. From yours truly at Teaching With Style, a copy of my new Amphibian Unit - 1st-4th grade. A science unit for teaching about the life cycle of amphibians. Included in this fun and visually appealing unit: Organizational resources - book bin labels, book labels, binder cover, binder spine inserts, resources tub label, KWL to assess background knowledge with teacher directions, Scientist Awards for behavior management, Vocabulary resources: colorful posters for each word, student dictionary sheet, small vocab words and definitions for matching, large words and definitions for posting in the classroom on a vocabulary wall or hanging above table groups for table names during the unit, Parts of a Frog labeling activity along with a cloze activity to reinforce vocabulary, Life Cycle of a Frog labeling activity.
2. From Michelle at Just Wild About Teaching, a copy of her Polka-Dot Theme Set - PrK-2nd grade. This packet includes: Months of the year, days of the week, all subjects awards, labels and tags for subjects and center work, numbers 1-100 for a hundreds grid chart, around the room labels for word recognition, letters A-Z for a word wall - with pictures for additional help, flash cards for capital and lowercase letters a-z - can be used for centers or as a memory match game.

4. Tessa at Tales From Outside the Classroom is giving away her Addition Wheels AND Subtraction Wheels - K-2nd grade. Each one is 18 different pages that are ready to be laminated for math centers. Each page has two different fact wheels on it. You can even make it a game by having students complete their wheels first!

6. Amanda from One Extra Degree has donated her Dictionary Dig and The 'Saurus: Excavating Wonderful Words unit - 2nd-4th grade. This bundle is a hands-on, DINO-mite way to engage students in dictionary and thesaurus activities like Synonym Hatch, the Dictionary Dig, Guide Word Shuffle, The 'Saurus Eggs, and MORE!

10. Erin from Kleinspiration is adding in her Graphic Organizer pack - K-6th grade. This graphic organization packet contains twenty-one different templates that can be used across grade levels and across content areas.
The templates include the following strategies: asking questions, making predictions, main idea and detail, making connections, cause and effect, sensory detail, making inferences, fact and opinion, fantasy and reality, fiction and non-fiction, problem and solution, sequence of events, story elements, story mapping, venn diagrams, main and supporting characters, using transitional words, character traits, and vocabulary.
11. Deb from Fabulously First added in her Zany Zebras Math Centers - K-2nd grade. Everyone will love interacting with this math center because it makes learning fun with Zebras. This unit is Common Core State Standards based on two standards: Knowing numbers up to 120 and understanding greater than, less than and equal to. There is a Common Core State Standards poster included for your convenience when the unit is being taught. Easy to understand instructions and a corresponding recording sheet come with this packet as well.
12. Tanja from Journeys of a Substitute Teacher is donating her Scoopin' Up Beginning Fractions, Decimals, and Percents - 2nd-4th grade. A sweet pack for those beginning fractions, decimals, and percents. Mainly focused on 25, 50, 75 , and 100 percent, a few thirds included. Includes: Decimal, fraction, and percent poster, 8 Decimal Delight delight problems, record sheet and answer key, 8 Fraction Fun problems, record sheet, and answer key, 8 Percent Play problems, record sheet, and answer key, Sweet Match Up game/review.

15. Ann Marie from Innovative Connections donated her Writing Adventures Task Cards Part 1: 36 Prompts and Response Handouts - 5th-12th grade. Great bell ringers, journal writing activities, "fast finisher" ideas, challenge work, writing center task cards, end of class writing time, etc. Also great for a "whole group pick a card and write" activity. Great resource tool for a wide array of grade levels! Students can respond to a prompt of choice on the provided response handout or even in a journal.

18. Amanda from A Special Kind of Class has donated her Bee Math Work Station Activities, Numbers 11-20 - K-1st grade. These are seven math work station activities concentrating on the numbers 11 to 20. Activities include one more (adding), one less (subtracting), counting 11 to 20, number recognition 11 to 20, number matching with numbers 11 to 20, measuring and estimating. Activities just need to be printed, laminated and cut out.

19. Mandy from Mandy's Tips For Teachers will be giving away her Geometry Fun Supplemental Unit - 2nd-4th grade. This 77 page Geometry packet includes vocabulary cards, a student dictionary, three games, two sorting activities, two creative art projects and a short assessment.
20. Ashley from The Teacher's Treasure Chest is giving away her Buggy For Blends Literacy Packet - 1st-3rd grade. This includes Word Cards for Word Wall- Blends CR, CH, CL, BL,BR, FL , WH, Word Sort- BL, BR, CH , CR Blends, ABC Order Word Sort- CR, CH, BL, BR, WH,FL,CL, Word Sort- FL, WH, CL, and Blends Memory

21. Holly from Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade donated her Parent Night Teacher Toolbox - PreK-3rd. If you're wondering what to include at your open house, curriculum night or other parent information evening this is for you! Product Includes: Community building puzzle piece printable, healthy snack list, student stars and wishes - find out how your students feel about their academic skills, and much, MUCH more!

23. From Lori at Teaching With Love & Laughter, you could win her Irregular Verbs Memory Game - 1st-2nd grade. Here's a fun game for children to play to help them learn irregular verbs. It contains 27 irregular verb matches and a recording sheet.

I would love to have the laminator for many reasons. The top reason is for convenience!!!
My own personal laminator would eliminate a lot of stress. When I get ready to use our school's laminator, it is either not working right or out of film. It would be so nice to have my own.
The First Grade Jungle Room
It would be so nice to win my own laminator and would save me a 30 minute drive to laminator things. I am so excited about your giveaways!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI would love a laminator because ours at school NEVER has film. :( I am excited about your giveaway.
because I'm a laminating fool!! lol
ReplyDeleteI'd like to win because we never have any laminate at school to use! It is currently in lockdown!
ReplyDeleteWhat an achievement!
I would love a personal laminator because we always run out of film during our first week back to school and it never gets replaced!!! We are always threatened to only laminate what is "necessary"...
ReplyDeleteI would love a personal laminator because technically we aren't "allowed" to laminate our things, we have to have a trained parent volunteer or the librarian's assistant laminate for us. Many times my items will come back bubbly, with gaps, and not having the lamination sealed to the paper. This would be wonderful!
ReplyDeletei would love a laminator...because who wouldnt it would be the best gift ever =)
ReplyDeleteJust Wild About Teaching
I would love to win this laminator because we have a very strict limit atour school. We can't not laminate unless it's absolutely going to be used everyday in centers.
Our school's laminator is usually "on the fritz", so having a personal laminator would be a big help!
Third Grade's A Charm
Oh because laminating + teachers just go together!
Yearn to Learn Blog
I second Jenn's reason! I'm a fool! I mean, I'm a laminating fool! Laminators are like yorkies. One is never enough! :)
ReplyDeleteѼ Lori
Teaching With Love and Laughter
I would love to be able to laminate anywhere and anytime.
Could say ditto to almost all of the above comments, but I can also add that I love how laminated work station materials hold up & look great even after they've been used many times by my students. It would be a terrific addition to my classroom!
ReplyDeleteLaminating would come in so handy here at home. No lines, one person running it and no buddy gunking it up. It would be wonderful...
I would love to have a personal laminator to use whenever I want.
ReplyDeleteSitting at home - Sunday night - duty Monday time to get the little projects done in the morning...need the laminator at home!!!
ReplyDeleteWow! What an awesome giveaway. I would love to have the laminator or any of the prizes here.
ReplyDeleteI would love a laminator because I have TONS of awesome things I need from TpT-- and all of that awesomeness needs to be preserved in fantastic plastic!!
I would love a personal laminator for the house so I can do some of the things I need for school when I think about it, and not the next day when I am busy and forget!
I would love a personal laminator for the house so I can do some of the things I need for school when I think about it, and not the next day when I am busy and forget!
My old laminator is on the fritz!!!
ReplyDeleteJulie Levine
Oops. I forgot to say why I would like the laminator. I would love the laminator because there have been many times in which I finding great things on line and I print it at home and then would love to be able to laminate it at home and have it ready for the following day.
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to be able to laminate at home and not have to wait for some to laminate all my stuff at school..(which happens only once a month...UGH) So this would be HUGE! :)
my old laminator is on the fritz!
Why? Because who likes to wait to laminate until the assistant can? Not I said the cat!
ReplyDeleteI sort of addicted to lamination and sheet protectors! Seriously...they make me happy. :) LOL
Making It As A Middle School Teacher
I am making a huge move from a 6th grade classroom to a 2nd grade classroom and I have been laminating like crazy. A laminator would be a huge help to prepare things at home.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have the ability to laminate the things I make at home.
No more last minute morning laminating!
ReplyDeleteSally from Elementary Matters
So I don't have to wait on the one at school AND if I finish something at home, I could just laminate then instead of waiting until I get to school. :o) AWESOME giveaway!!!
I would love to be able to laminate any time I needed. Without having to make the hour + trek to my school.
A BLT adventure
What a wonderful way to start the year!
What a wonderful way to start the year!
I want a laminator because I love to laminate!!!
Come check out my new blog Teaching in Valley
I would love my own laminator so I don't have to walk all the way down the hall to turn ours on, wait for it to heat up and then to go back and find out someone has either turned it off or used up all the laminator film!! Plus a personal laminator is just pretty cool! Thanks for the contest!
ReplyDeleteI would love a laminator that actually works and doesn't ruin my cute bulletin board materials! :)
Crayons and Curls
My own personal laminator would just make my summer!! Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteNot having to run all the way across campus to laminate something would be cool. Since I teach special needs students at the high school level, this would be a learning experience with those that are capable of learning this task. A whole lesson built around the laminator.
ReplyDeleteIt would be AWESOME to have my own laminator! My school has limited funding and we don't always have laminating film. It would be great to just be able to laminate whenever I needed to.
ReplyDeleteSamantha Tharpe
I have a laminator and have been wanting another one to keep at school. There are many times I need something laminated right away and it would be very handy! These laminators are so much better than the one we use at school!
ReplyDeleteFaithful in First
What a great give away!!
ReplyDeleteHaving a laminator would help me with my classroom projects for the upcoming school year!! Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteYou have some truly amazing blog-teacher-friends who are donating to your celebration. Congratulations and keep sharing. I have had so many creative or Ah-Ha! moments after reading your blogs.
I love laminating things and keeping things protected! I would use it to laminate everything!!!
Stickers and Stamps
I would really, really, really love my own personal laminator so I can have extra time in school doing things that really matter!!! Being at a school with lots of teachers is sometimes crazy and waiting to use the laminator takes up so much of my time!!!
Third Grade Love
I am always laminating right before the bell. If I had one in my classroom I could laminate all day long.
ReplyDelete✿Tiffani Time 4 Kindergarten
The laminator would be so handy for me to use in my classroom! My school is very large and usually only 1 laminator works! :(
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, I would be in Heaven to win all of this great stuff! It would be like Christmas. A laminator that you don't have to wait in line for? That would be awesome! I would love to bless other teachers at my school with some of the great products. That would be a great way to start the year. :)
ReplyDeleteI would love to have a laminator....there is usually a long wait for the laminator at school.
I would love to use this laminator for my visual items for my autistic kids !!!
ReplyDeleteI'm totally addicted to laminating... And, I don't have a school, yet, so I pay for my laminating at Lakeshore. I need it!
It's Grow Time!
I would live this laminator!!! The one we have at school leaves wrinkles and it is 20 minutes to the neatest store that offer laminations!!
ReplyDeleteI would love to have my own laminator to laminate all of the great things I buy at TPT! It seems whenever I want to laminate at school we are out of laminating film.
I would love my own laminator so I would be able to laminate whenever I wanted to AND there would be laminate! Congrats and thank you.
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE my own laminator too!! What a great giveaway!!
Kindergarten Smiles
Laminator at school is out of film:(
ReplyDeleteI would love to have my own personal laminator for many reasons. It would be so much more convenient to just print something from my home computer and laminate it right away, rather than having to laminate it before school starts and then the possibility of it not being ready for the day. Plus, our laminator at school doesn't seal everything properly and I would love to have the extra thick film.
ReplyDeleteHeather (
I would love to have any of these prizes!! =) The personal laminator is an awesome bonus!! Thank you for having this giveaway!!!
ReplyDeleteA personal laminator would make my life so much easier. The school laminator is either broken or out of film. And only certain people are allowed to operate it.
ReplyDeleteEach day these giveaways become bigger and bigger. This is like a candy store for a teacher.
I have a old one. I need a new one that works swiftly.
ReplyDeleteBy the way I'm your newest follower.
ReplyDeleteBecause it would be so much more fun to wait for my laminator to get "hot" while drinking a coffee or frozen beverage on my deck! :)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! I would LOVE to have my very own laminator in my room! I always seem to be waiting in a line at the laminator! :)
ReplyDeleteI would get to laminate all my weekend creations from the comfort of my own home.
I would love to have a laminater at ho,e becuase I can not print in color at school and printing at home and taking the paper to works does not aways work the best.
Lamination has been cut out as a "non-essential" at our site, forcing us to pay to laminate our own things offsite. It would be amazing!!!
I'd love one to get more organized and not have to worry about making it to the teacher workroom before school "closes".
ReplyDeleteHaving a personal laminator would be awesome! I spend all of my "extra" time at school with the kids, so I come in early and stay late to take care of my paperwork and non-essential (not my words!) things like laminating! If I had my own laminator, I could actually go home earlier on some days and laminate there! Thanks for such an awesome give away!
ReplyDeleteThis is an amazing giveaway! Wow!
ReplyDeleteLaminator would be an awesome addition to the classroom for student projects. There's always a time when a student creates something wonderful but we can't leave our room to laminate so it will last long enough for it to be displayed and taken home. Amazing giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI could laminate my Words Their Way word sorts, which we are just getting into this year at my school. I would also share the laminator with my daughter who is on the supply list. She could make durable games to take with her to a variety of classes, many of which are spec ed, so durability counts.
I spent hours last year making games for my students. The bad thing is I didn't copy them on card stock or laminate them. Needless to stay, I will be investing in colorful card stock this year. Also, having a laminator at home will allow me to laminate at my leisure and in the comfort of my home.
ReplyDeleteI would love to leave one in my classroom for laminating posters and games!
ReplyDeleteThough we have a laminator that is often out of film and if it does have film there is a long line to use it!
ReplyDeleteWe are not allowed in our building until the second week of August. Then everyone wants to use the laminator. I would love to get my laminating done in the comfort of my home!
I would love to do some laminating at home! It would be so nice to laminate and cut things out right on my couch!
Learning is a Journey
Polka Dot Parlor
With my own laminator, I could make my resources at HOME on my own time without having to wait until we have lamintor film on our machine at school. (We are not able to use it every day, nor is there film available every day, so I have to keep making my resources over and over due to most of them not being laminated.) A personal laminator would solve this problem!!!! It makes me excited just thinking about it!!
I have been WANTING to buy a laminator but if I happen to win it... how amazing would that be?!!
ReplyDeleteThe laminator at my school is practically restricted. Our media tech does the laminating but it takes a while! Sometimes I have some URGENT stuff that I need to laminate and it would be great to not have to go to my district office or Lakeshore!!
❤ Sandra
Sweet Times in First
Thanks for the great giveaway! :)
ReplyDeleteOur school's laminator is out of film more often than not - it is so frustrating to have a new activity or display ready to go... and not be able to laminate it! So, I would love the convenience and reliability of having my own!!
We have a laminator at school. It takes WEEKS for all our stuff to get done! This would be such an AMAZING tool to have in my classroom. What a great giveaway!
ReplyDelete❀Beth Ann❀
Taming My Flock of Firsties
I have seen many teachers use their own personal laminator and was always very envious. Thanks for the chance to win one!
Congrats! You are so generous in your give-away. Lot's of chances to win. Thank you!! I could use or share everything. Woo-Hoo!
ReplyDeleteI'm entering into my first year of teaching and having my own laminator would save SO much time since I'm starting from scratch. What a great and thoughtful giveaway!!
ReplyDeleteKristin :)
I love using the laminator for some many things! The number one reason I would love a laminator to is preserve all of the centers and ideas I find on TPT and the blogs!
ReplyDeleteLindsey Roseboom
Fantastic First Grade Friends
Oops! I forgot to put my email! :)
How fun!! Thanks for the contest! This laminator would be so useful so I wouldn't have to walk across the street every time I need something laminated and have to wait a week sometimes for it to come back!
ReplyDeleteMy email is
DeleteWhat an awesome give-away! What teacher wouldn't love her own laminator!
Denise Faust
Having my own laminator would make those last minute great ideas actually happen! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I need a laminator so I can get all of my back to school things ready. I can't get in to laminate at school for a couple of weeks.
ReplyDeleteLearning in Bliss
Lots of great giveaways! A laminator would be wonderful since we are so limited on laminating at school.
ReplyDeleteNo teacher should be without a laminator. They should give them to teachers when they graduate 8o)
ReplyDeleteThe laminator at school is always broken or out of laminating film whenever I have things to laminate. Having my own laminator would allow me to laminate whenever I need to!
We have a laminator at school for everyone to use, but there are just times that it is more convenient to have one at home- like at 10:00 at night when you are in your jammies- not getting dressed to go to school and wait 20 minutes for the laminator to warm up.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your awesome milestone!!
OOPS- email address-
ReplyDeleteI would love to be able to laminate at home in front of the TV! Congrats!
Luckeyfrog's Lilypad
What a fun give away! Having a laminator at home would be awesome.
Great giveaway.. Thanks for sharing..
ReplyDeleteWe don't have a laminator at our school, so it would be fabulous to win tjis!
ReplyDeleteThe only person who can use our school laminator is the Media Center aide so you have to wait until she has time to run your things. With my own, I'd be in charge! Yay!!!
Primary Pizzazz
What a wonderful giveaway! I love reading your blog! I would love to win this giveaway because there are so many wonderful products to use with my kiddos and the thought of a laminator makes me gitty! Thank you for such a generous giveaway!!
ReplyDeleteCurls and a Smile
I'd like my own laminator since our office staff manages to wrinkle an inordinate amount of the things I send down to be laminated! And I am picky!
ReplyDeletetokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com
What a great giveaway! I would love to have a laminator of my own for the convenience of finishing things up at home.
ReplyDeleteI would like my own laminator because then I would laminate at home and not have to wait in line for the laminator.
ReplyDeleteOf course, as with all of us, I would LOVE to have a laminator at home so I could get things done on my time frame, not the schools. Especially in the summer when I don't want to drive 25 minutes out to school to laminate these awesome finds from all of the great bloggers!!
ReplyDeleteSorry, didn't put my email.
I ahve alwaysa wanted a laminator to help laminate those little things in our classrooms.
ReplyDeleteI was actually online shopping for one yesterday Ours at work has been acting up and the closest place to get things laminated is Staples and its expensive.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI really want this laminator because to have it in the convenience of my own home would be wonderful. I could do all those last minute laminating without feeling rushed at school!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE this laminator because I had one that (after 8 years of HEAVY use)...kicked the bucket :( I used it a minimum of twice a week at home ..and would LOVE the chance to win a new one!
(I forgot email the first time!)
I would LOVE this laminator because we are limited to only 100 ft of lamination at school. This way I could laminate my smaller things in the classroom and save my 100 ft for my bigger items.
I'd love a personal laminator for obvious convenience, plus it will make everything easier!
ReplyDeleteThe Gypsy Teacher
I love your blog! I stumbled upon it, and WOW! These giveaways are so exciting, too! SO much creativity! A personal laminator would allow me to re-use all these amazing, smart ideas year after year!! Thank you!
I'd love a laminator for all those little cards!
ReplyDeleteA laminator would make life easier. The one at school doesn't always protect our stuff! Congrats.
ReplyDeleteRobin S.
Congratulations on reaching 100,000 page views. I can easily see why...your blog is enjoyable and provides good ideas and resources, plus it is just plain fun! And teaching needs to be fun or we will all burn out!
Wow you are practically famous! I'm so excited you're teaching second grade next year - I can stalk you even more! (In a non-creepy sort of way). Anyways, I would LOVE a laminator because in my school there is a designated "laminator person" (teachers can't use it) so sometimes it takes a while to get your materials. So sometimes I sneak in on the weekends to do it... Anyways, can't wait to read about your upcoming adventures!
ReplyDeleteMandi Sawyer
I'd love to have my own laminator. My school always is running out of laminating film; if I had my own, I wouldn't have to worry!
If I had my own laminator I would not have to go into school either really early or stay after. There is not time during the rest of the day to laminate.
I would love to have my own personal laminator so that I could laminate things at home...that way I wouldn't get so backed up on laminating and then cutting everything out!
Oh Oh Oh...I LOOOOOOOOOOVE laminators! Last year, I feel like I hung out more at the laminator than any other place in the school. :o) I try and laminate everything! I NEED one. :o)
jennkeys @ gmail . com
I would love to have a laminator in my classroom that I could share with the teachers in my building. It would be nice to laminate on the spot and not have to wait for the school site laminator.
ReplyDeleteThis is totally awesome! THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS!
I would LOVE my own personal laminator so I don't have to go to school every time I have something I need to laminate!
My OWN laminator? What couldn't I do with it? I would love to have one for home use... :)
I would love my own laminator because it would make things so convenient. I live a good distance from my school and I am not trained to use the laminator so I wouldn't even be able to use it. If I had my own I would be able to get my items laminated and ready to use in a pinch!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!! :D
Kelsey Gibbs
So I can save some trees.
ReplyDeleteThis is just too, too AWESOME!!
I download LOTS of TPT units and NEED a home laminator to make all the wonderful games and centers for my students!
I would LOVE my own laminator so I could laminate all my TPT purchases at home and then they would be ready to use the next day in class. We are not allowed to laminate our own things at school and it usually takes a couple of days to get our things laminated. Great giveaway!!!
Hmmmm, a personal laminator? I cannot even conceive of having such a thing. I got in a little trouble this year for laminating too many things that I bought on TPT and TN. This might save me some grief! What an awesome giveaway. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteOMG... I was planning on buying the laminator when the next paycheck comes! We aren't allowed to use the laminator at school ourselves, and the lady who does it only laminates about once a week. She's also been complaining about the amount of stuff some people laminate... people like me who spend a lot of time searching out new and fun ideas to use with students! I would LOVE to have my own personal laminator so I can laminate some things on my own when I need them.
ReplyDeleteGee... who wouldn't want their own laminator? I know I would LOVE to have my own laminator. I am always making posters, stations, games that I laminate and it would be great to have my own laminator in my room so that I don't have to wait for and/or fight over the laminator in the faculty room. Just thinking of the possibly of having my own gives me chills!
I would love my own laminator because I am a first year teacher and I heard that having your own laminator is a MUST! :) Samantha
ReplyDeleteI would love my own laminator because I am starting a new position in my school and would love to get some things laminated for my new classroom.
ReplyDeleteAll these prizes are great and congrats on your 1,000,000 page views. Incredible! The laminator would be nice to have in case the school's laminator goes out -- which is a common occurrence! ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks again!
Mr. B's Beach Brains
i would love my own laminator because i spend so much money and time on materials for my class. i would love to preserve them correctly for my students.
ReplyDeleteThis giveaway is almost better than Christmas morning! I would love to have a laminator to use whenever I needed it!
It would be wonderful to have this laminator. Alot of the time I do not have time at school to laminate during the scheduled laminating days. I am so busy with my students during the day it would be great to have one to use at home! Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteWe share one of these laminators between 5 classrooms- I can never find it when I have time to laminate!
ReplyDeleteSo many reasons! I've heard that some of the personal laminators laminate thicker than the one at my school, so that would be nice! Also, the convenience factor! What a generous giveaway!
Third Grade in the First State
I would love my own laminator, so that I could use it at home. What a great giveaway!
I would love a personal laminator because my school doesn't offer that service. It would make my life sooo much easier!! :)
A personal laminator would be amazing, we always feel that there is not enought time in each day to laminate everything that we get from fellow bloggers! This is an awesome give-away!
I would use the personal laminator to laminate all the great things that I find on your blogs. I could also use it to laminate all of my purchases from TpT and Teachers Notebook.
I would love to have the laminator because teachers are not allowed to use the laminator at our school. We have to submit things to be approved and then the secretaries do it if approved. I would love to be able to laminate when and what I WANT to to laminate! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the opportunity. I would love to be able to laminate materials at home.
Mine laminator died last year, I would love a new one!
Mine laminator died last year, I would love a new one!
At my school teachers aren't allowed to use the laminator and only 2 TA's are allowed to laminate all teacher's materials. Needless to say, very inconvient when I spur of the moment want to give student awards and need them laminated within 24 hours. So, a personal laminator would be a wonderful addition to my teacher supplies.
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE a laminator! I teach Kindergarten and would love to make games, laminate them, and be able to use them again next year.
I would love to not have to stand in line for ours at school!
☞Go NuTTY with ME!
A personal laminator would be perfect for a classroom especially for quick last minute jobs! Love the idea of having one at home too!!
ReplyDeleteI would love to have one to not have to wait for my games to be laminated at school.
We have two laminators at our school. One is a dinosaur but works pretty well, except it the film seems to peel a lot! The other is fairly new and won't turn on. Hence, I NEED a laminator that works for all of the games and activities I create for my intervention groups.
Reading Toward the Stars
I would love to be able to laminate at home. Our laminator at school never seems to work.
Would love, love, love to win these excellent freebies..especially the laminator. I teach 4th grade and I love to laminate things.
I would love the laminator so I can laminate the thousands of printables that I have in my school pile in the office right now! It would make me so much more organized & I wouldn't have to fight the laminating crowd when I go back to school. :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
We share 1 of these between 5 classes, I would be awesome not to have to hunt it down everytime I need to use it!
ReplyDeleteI could definitely use a laminator in my classroom! What a great giveaway!
Totally Terrific in Texas
I could use this laminator in the classroom and keep my own laminator I already have at home! This would save time from carrying things home at night! Thank you for this amazing giveaway!
Miss V's Busy Bees
I would love to have my own laminator. It makes it easier to make all of my centers and not have to use the one that the school has.
I will be beginning my first year as a full time teacher. Needless to say I'm excited, and a little nervous. OK a lot nervous. For instance, never having my own classroom I have NO supplies. I have gotten the important things, baskets, filing trays and folders, but man I would love to laminate some signs, student work, flash cards, etc... Would be great to win and congrats on the 10,000 fans Nicole awesome!
Congrats on all the page views:) My laminator just packed it in because I use it soooo much, A new one would be fabulous:)
ReplyDeleteI would love to have my own personal laminator because my school is always out of film!!!
Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks
I would love to have my own laminator at home. I'm always getting things from TPT and needing to laminate at home :)
Awesome! Would love to win! and Congrats on 100k views!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on over 100,000 views! Wow!!! I would love a personal laminator so I could laminate at home or on the weekends! (I nerdy!)
ReplyDeleteGrade Three is the Place for Me
Great info! Thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteI would love my own laminator so I can laminate all the things I have purchased at TPT!
ReplyDeleteI would love to win anything for kindergarten. Congrats.
ReplyDeleteI would love my own laminator because I live at least 45 minutes from a place that laminates and the one at school is always busy.