Cyber Deals Linky

How many of you participated in Black Friday or Cyber Monday??  I definitely got in some good Christmas shopping! As for teaching materials, I stocked up on some really exciting things from my fellow bloggers and TpT sellers!  I've also linked up with Stephanie from ...


Guest Blogging and the Sale!

I am over at The Cornerstone for Teachers today, writing about tips for including ELL students in all lessons.  Check it out! Also, make sure to check out the Cyber Monday sale over at Teachers Pay Teachers.  Today is the last day! I am joining some of my ...


Comb Binding Ideas for the Classroom

Congrats to Hilary for winning the comb binder from My Binding! a Rafflecopter giveaway Even though there was only one winner, we can still get some great ideas from everyone!  I've compiled the list of ways to use a comb binder in the classroom, and I have to say that ...


Thanksgiving Sale!

I'm throwing a sale in my store today through Wednesday in honor of Thanksgiving! My fall and Thanksgiving items will be 20% off! You can get my best selling pumpkin science unit My new Thanksgiving Feast unit Or my Turkey Talk graphic organizers! Don't forget ...

Classroom DIY

Comb Binding Giveaway and a Freebie! {giveaway closed}

I'm over at Classroom DIY this month with a post about making doodle books for a student gift.  You'll want to check it out! To make my doodle book, I used the Paper Monster comb binder from MyBinding.com.  I love it!  It punches up to 8 regular pages ...


Thanksgiving Fun: Lessons, Recipes, and a Couple Freebies!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner!  Here is what I will be teaching for the next couple of weeks! First up, I sent home the parent letters, graphic organizer, and turkey outline for Gladys from Teaching in High Heels' Turkey in Disguise project.  This project ...


Whole Brain Teaching

This year, since I'm in a new state and a new school, I decided to start doing Whole Brain Teaching!  My school does not do PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports), like I am used to, so I needed something to teach expectations.  This is it!  That kids ...


Polynesian Prints and Patterns

This weekend the Na Pua No'eau program, a non-profit organization that provides Hawaiian studies for  school age children, did a fun art project with the kids of Lana'i.  I signed my son up to participate and since I want to learn as much about the Hawaiian culture as ...