Whole Brain Teaching

This year, since I'm in a new state and a new school, I decided to start doing Whole Brain Teaching!  My school does not do PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports), like I am used to, so I needed something to teach expectations.  This is it!  That kids really love it!  I found a teacher who has the awesomest (is that a word?) YouTube videos of her class and WBT.  She is so inspiring!  She seems so fun, laid back, but on top of things.  I aspire to be like her!

Check her out here:

Here is her website.  I just love her! I hope she creates a teacher blog soon!

One problem I've been having with doing Whole Brain Teaching is that the cute signs out there all have way more white kids on them.  My school is 90% Filipino.  I literally have 2 white kids in my class of 27.  If I post pictures of white only kids in my room, I am not representing my class - I am representing me.  Once I looked around and noticed this, I felt awful.  I want to celebrate my students' heritage, not make them feel bad that they don't look like me.  So, I decided to make my own set!  It is for free on TpT, so you can go over and snag a set for your self!  Included are two options for each rule, and four options for the teacher.  I hope you can use it in your classroom!  If you can, please leave me some feedback on TpT.  I love hearing from you all!

How do you teach expectations in your classroom?

Freebie Fridays


  1. I'm in a similar situation!
    All of my students are ELLs and 26 of them are Hispanic and 1 little one is Chinese.

    I totally agree that we need to incorporate great examples for our littles!

    Celebrate! LOVE!

    Thanks for the freebie... downloading NOW! :)

    Sweet Times in First

    1. Thanks Sandra!! I knew I wan't alone with a multicultural classroom! I love to celebrate LOVE! :)

  2. I love those videos! I imagine you are JUST LIKE HER! (but better because I know you!!!) Whole Brain Teacher Star! I want to see your videos next!!!

    1. Aww, Reagan, you are so sweet!!! I'll work on it and let you know when I am ready for my debut!

  3. Fun way to keep students engaged, and your videos really help to illustrate how to make it happen in a practical way!

  4. I love WBT too! Thanks so much for the packet! I'll be sure to look at the video as well. Thanks so much all of this!

  5. I am your newest follower! Stop by sometime!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Off to check out your blog, too! :)

  6. Rachel is pretty awesome! Did you see her website, too? http://www.teachingandlearningtogether.com It's so inspirational!
