Classroom Tour - Before

I wanted to share a quick video I made to show you what my classroom looked like the first day I walked in - last Monday! I didn't actually get started doing anything until Tuesday afternoon, then had all day Wednesday to do everything. I'd like to tell you I was able to accomplish everything, but that room was dirty, dirty, dirty! There was no way I could start the year with dead cockroaches and gecko poop everywhere! So, I came in on our two furlough days and even during the weekend. I was up until midnight Sunday night and was finishing placing nametags on student desks the next morning just minutes before the bell rang. I felt like I was on Design Star and room G6 was my White Room Challenge! Ha!

My school system blocks YouTube, so this is a Vimeo video for you (I don't have internet at my house yet - boo!). I will post a video I took directly after the first day next week. For free Vimeo accounts, you can only post one video a week.

Before you click to see my video, be forewarned that this is the first video on my blog! I'm not sure why I have a valley girl voice. People who know me - do I really sound like that? Also, it kind of ends abruptly. Sorry. All the books and baskets on the shelves under the windows, those were actually all first grade materials, so I didn't get to keep them. The dishes on the student desks - the previous teacher left those for me. So nice. She also left that huge bottle of apple juice by the sink. So nice of her. Haha.

How long does it take you to get set up? Have you ever come into a new classroom that was messy and dirty like mine? What new decor ideas do you have for this year? I'll share all my ideas next week!


  1. I've switched classrooms three times {so far} and each time I had to give the room a deep cleaning before I could start decorating!!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

    1. Glad I'm not the only one! I'm not a huge clean freak at home, but for some reason I am in my class!

  2. I love the pink and green baskets!!

    1. I know, me too! Unfortunately, they were a part of the first grade materials. Sad!

  3. I just entered my classroom for the first time Monday and there were definitely parts of it that were caked in dust... it was gross. So yes! I completely know what you have gone through. There were also lots of random things left that I have no idea what they were for or if I need to keep them! UGH! At least I am not alone though ;)

  4. I love all the storage that you seem to have. :) Our custodians 'clean' in July, so I always wonder how so much thick, gucky DUST accumulates by August when I go in to set up. And I am still waiting for them to clean the blinds from my classroom move last year! One advantage to moving, though, is the Grand Purge!

  5. Your room is a nice size. LOVE THE windows. I think the best part about your room is all the storage...AND you can use it to display work on too!!! AWESOME!! The first 10 years I taught I moved 11 times. It's a pain in the hiney. When I move out of rooms, I try to make sure things are not so overwhelming for the new one moving in. Of course I accumulated a bunch of stuff over the years too, which made organizing my stuff harder. I've had to clean up mouse droppings, cockroaches, and cockroach droppings (by the way---as big as mouse, if not bigger...EWWW).

    First Grade and Fabulous

  6. Looks great Nicole...I can tell you have visions for it already! What a heap of stuff to walk in to. If anyone can organize it - it's you!

  7. Love the windows and your storage is to die for!!

  8. I love the windows!!!!

    Can't wait to see what it looks like when you're all done!

  9. Looks alot like my class Nicole, but you have a lot more storage! I am in a portable and it only has two closets. I cannot believe all that stuff was left there!!?? I hope the dumpster was nearby:) Can't wait to see the new setup. Hope you are settling in and loving your new home.

    Surfin' Through Second
