
Top Teacher's Blog Swap and Hop

This is Melissa from Dilly Dabbles and I’m excited to participate in the Blog Swap and Hop.  This week, I had the opportunity to attend a week long class our state sponsors called “Core Academy.”  The focus is on supporting teachers in knowing and teaching the core ...


SIOP and Teaching ELs

The district I work in is extremely diverse.  There are over 25 languages spoken in my school!  Because of this, all teachers in my district have to be very savvy to strategies for teaching English Language Learners.  You already know about my ...


Daily 5 Book Study Chapter 2

I'm back with my thoughts from chapter two of The Daily 5: Fostering Literacy Independence in The Elementary Grades.  First off, I would like to say that these are entirely my opinions and not that of the 2 Sisters or their publisher Stenhouse.  :) ...

The 3AM Teacher

To Be Continued....

18 wonderful bloggers teamed up with me to create a continuous story over the next few weeks. Each day one new blogger will add to the saga. Click the next button to read what happens next... Make sure to check out the blogs listed at the end of the post.     ...

We Read, We Blog, We Teach

Daily 5 Book Study: Chapter 1

If you've been following me for awhile, then you know how much I love The Sisters, Gail Boushey and Joan Moser.  I saw them present two years ago for The Daily 5 and last year for The CAFE Book.  I've visited two different schools in my area who have adopted The Daily ...

photo of Always a Lesson

Behavior Management

Hey there! This is Gretchen from Always a Lesson educational blog.  I am so excited to write a guest blog post for Nicole from Teaching with Style. I am new to the blogging world and this is my very first guest blog! Thanks Nicole :) I am very passionate about ...

photo of Daily 5 book study bookmark teaching with style
photo of daily 5 book study bookmark teaching with style

Daily 5 Book Study Bookmark Freebie!

Like I said in my last post, I am joining up with some awesome teacher bloggers and doing a Daily 5 Book Study!  We will  host a linky party for each chapter that is geared towards a different chapter in the book: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: From "Management" ...