New Planner for 2015!

If you are like me, you are starting to plan for 2015.  What better way to get started than to get your actual planner ready!

I have used planners from A Modern Teacher for 2 years now and I won't go back to the cheap-o store bought ones.  Customization is the way to go!

My first year using April's planners, I got the chevron planner.  I had the Rainbow Chalkboard classroom theme from Schoolgirl Style.  I loved the colors and all the editable organization.

This year I used the Happy Day planner.  I switched up my theme this year and went for the Eric Carle-esque Bugs theme, but I still loved the rainbow and happy colors of Happy Day.  It's so me! 

I have a big surprise (that I've already shared on my FB page!) - I'm moving to 5th grade next year! And I'm moving to our neighborhood school where my kids go.  I'm so excited for a shorter commute and for the kids and I to be together.  But that's all a different blog post! :)

My new school is an arts-integrated school so I was thinking about what theme I could use that would still be bright and fun, a little more grown up, and also artistic.  I found these folders at the Target Dollar Spot (woot woot! Maui has a Target now!) and I loved the colors and watercolor technique.

So imagine my giddy delight when Melanie came out with a watercolor classroom theme and April came out with a matching teacher planner! Next year I plan to use the new Flamingo Watercolor theme.  While I pack my classroom and get ready to move this summer, I can't really do much in terms of room decor yet.  But I can start getting my planner ready! 

I decided to print out the pages that I know for sure I will want.  I put them in page protectors for now and hope to get them coil bound at OfficeMax closer to the start of the year.  But, I may just keep them in the protectors and write with Vis-a-vis markers on them.  We'll see! 

Hawaii's new evaluation system has a section where teachers need to provide evidence of professional development.  The sheet on the left with come in super handy while filling that all out.  And I loved the sheet on the right for keeping track of classroom purchases for tax purposes.  And as documentation for me to know when enough is enough! 

I keep my gradebook pages on a clipboard so they are easy to cart around with me.  At the end of the quarter, I staple them together and file them for safe keeping.  I do need to turn in my gradebook at the end of the year, so I'll hole punch the sheets and put them in a 3-pronged folder.  Super simple. 

And of course, I needed 5th grade standards! Which reminds me, I gotta go study these! Ahhh! 

I loved this sheet about internet usernames and passwords for the teacher and for the students.  I have so many programs that I need to keep login info for: email, attendance system, subfinder, our DOE intranet, etc.  I also love this sheet for the kids.  I keep the student passwords on my computer and made cards for the kids.  But they lose those cards, then I have to look it up on my computer.  This sheet will make it easy to look up in a flash. 

I'm also loving this post-it note landing spot.  How many times have you written a post-it note full of important information, just to misplace it? It's happened to me more times than I can count! Now they have a spot.  I'm so excited!

April has 26 different planners in her shop! There's sure to be one that fits your classroom theme and your personal style!

It's your lucky day - April has given you a chance to win a planner! Just enter below!


  1. Love the flamingo theme. Good idea to use the target one spot items!

  2. Would love one of these! Love the happy day theme! Would be so useful especially as it's going to be my first year of teaching!!

  3. I loved the Chevron planner!! :) Here's to hoping I get one for free!! thank you!!

  4. I would choose the Nautical planner. I'm changing my classroom theme to a beach theme so the Nautical planner would match. 😀

  5. I would choose the Nautical planner. I'm changing my classroom theme to a beach theme so the Nautical planner would match. 😀

  6. Would love the Happy Rainbow planner....makes me REALLY happy!!!!

  7. I would love to have the nautical or blue paisley to match my green and blue theme in my classroom.

  8. I love the Happy Day pattern. The combination of patterns and colors makes me happy!

  9. I would love to win the Chevron pattern!

  10. I love the Nautical pattern. The beach is my happy place. Thanks for sharing these planners. I've never seen them and they are waaaay better than the one I currently use. ;)

  11. This looks like an all encompassing tool!

  12. I love the stripes planner!

  13. I love the Nautical one since it goes perfectly with our school mascot the Mariners!

  14. Thank you! I, too, adore the Nautical theme planner! It reminds of steadfast faith - a gentle reminder everyday :)

  15. I would love Happy Rainbow!

  16. Love the Happy Rainbow too. So bright and cheery!

  17. Love the Happy Rainbow too. So bright and cheery!

  18. Love the blue paisley or birds. So cute!

  19. Oh my gosh! I love those folders from Target!!! SCORE! They match perfectly! I gotta get there asap. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! xo, April ps can't wait to day :)

  20. It was so hard to choose which theme is the cutest. I like the anchor but I also really liked the purple paisley.

  21. I love the chevron planner! It is just so cheerful and very fashionable too! I have to admit there are just way too many cute themes--it was hard to chose!

  22. Love your blog. I'm moving from K to 4th! I LOVE the purple paisley. Whether I win or not, that will be my planner next year!

  23. I think the Purple Paisley is my favorite.

  24. Love her Owls and Rainbow Chevron! I just visited your blog but can't wait to return and browse thru your old posts. 37 organization posts makes me quiver with excitement!

  25. Love the midnight orchid paisley

  26. Love the colors of these planners! Would honestly be thrilled with any of them!

  27. The flamingo is calling my name, though!

  28. Love the planners and I can't wait to start working on mine for next year. I loved the folders from Target. I thought they were gorgeous.

  29. I love the Polka Dots!! ok..obsessed

  30. P.S. I have the owl planner! Love owls!

  31. I love those planners! I look at them each day! LOL My Favorite is the Nautical them!

  32. I love the black and white stripes!

  33. The stripes are my favorite!!

  34. I think I'd choose the Flamingo theme.
