Happy Valentine's Day!

Two years ago for Valentine's Day, I made heart shaped crayons for my class and taped them to a cute little card with washi tape.  I loved that project! This year, I made treats for my son's class, needed something non-candy for my daughter's preschool class (no sugar allowed ...


Color Mixing Fun

This month my class has been working on color mixing.  This is one of our fine arts standards. I made this sign to hang with my student work so my principal and any visitors can see we are working on standards. Click to download! We started off by watching Mouse Paint ...


What We've Been Up To

Here are some things that have been going on in my classroom the past couple of weeks! Interactive Math Notebooks from my friend Yvonne Crawford! Here is the activity on fact families.  It's a great introduction for each standard. Doubles Dude - from Amy Lemon's Addition ...



Peekapak is a monthly box for children that combines the magic of storytelling with the excitement of hands-on crafts.  Each month, your child receives an original storybook featuring an educational adventure story and all the materials to create two items that are features ...