Silly McGilly

Did you know that September marks the halfway point until St. Patrick's Day? I just love St. Patrick's Day and teaching my students about fun Irish traditions like wearing green, finding 4-leafed clovers, and leprechauns! As a teacher, I also love to plan ahead and make sure I ...


Teacher Style at AE

I get asked all the time about where my favorite places to shop for clothing are.  And one of them is American Eagle Outfitters! We have one in the Queen Kaahumano Center here on Maui, but I order from online, too.  I headed into AE the other day just to see what ...


Classroom Tour 2014

I have been so busy these past few months setting up my new classroom and teaching new curriculum in first grade! I'm here today with some classroom pics for you! We had our annual Open House a few weeks ago, so I made sure to have student work posted for parents to see. This ...