Bright Ideas in August

Today I'm sharing with you how I arrange, organize, and implement my take-home library! My students fill out a reading log each night and I send home books at their reading level for them to read.  I did this for 4 of the years I taught in Oregon (in kinder, 1st, and 3rd), ...


Dollar Saving Teachers

I teamed up with Teacher Created Resources to bring you some fun projects that you can make with their accents and inexpensive items from places like the Dollar Tree. Unfortunately, we don't have a dollar store on Maui, so I went to the next best place: Walmart! I ended up ...


Breezing Through BTS

Today I'm joining some of my favorite bloggers for a fun Back to School Blog Hop!  I'm here to tell you all about The Daily 5!  The very first thing you should do is read the book! My first edition has dog ears and writing all over the margins.  It is a ...


Easy Listening with Audible

Today I'm here to tell you about something that has saved my sanity on my 30-40 minute commute to work - Audible! Audible is a service, now owned by Amazon (my fav!), that provides instant download, digital audiobooks.  They have over 150,000 titles in their inventory ...


Back to School - What I Use

As most of you know, I start back to school tomorrow.  I worked so hard in my room these past couple weeks and of course I don't feel ready.  It will come together for me, but all I care right now is that the space is clean and organized for the kids, which it is.  When ...


Colorize Your Classroom

Today I have a fun tip for saving ink and making your classroom oh so colorful - bright paper! My school doesn't have color printers, so everything that I want in color, I have to print at home.  It was a big shock to me a few years ago and I went through cartridge after cartridge ...