Teaching With Intention Book Study - Chapters 1 & 2

Welcome to the first day of the book study! Today we will be chatting about chapters of 1 and 2 of Teaching with Intention by Debbie Miller. To start at the beginning of this book study with me: Buy the book Teaching With Intention Make a Book Study Journal Get graduate ...


Summer Book Study for Teachers

If you follow my Facebook page or Instagram, then you will know that I am hosting a Summer Book Study right here on the blog around the book Teaching With Intention by Debbie Miller. I've partnered with Concordia University to bring you an amazing opportunity to earn college ...


Last Week Fun

I've been busy moving my classroom and our house the past couple of weeks, I haven't even been able to slow down and enjoy summer yet! But I wanted to share with you what we did during the last week of school! Students were only in school for 3 days during our last week.  Monday ...


Win a Classroom Rug!

Today was the first day I've been able to see my new classroom over on Maui.  And the very first thing I did before even peeking around was to open my gorgeous, brand new rug from Kidcarpet.com! And guess what, you might be able to get one, too!  Kid Carpets makes ...