
Last weekend my little princess graduated from preschool!  She still has one more year before she can go to kindergarten, but her preschool allows all children to participate in the graduation each year.  This is her second year participating! Luckily, we saved her cap ...


May's Bright Idea

I'm joining the Bright Ideas link-up again! This month, I'm bringing you a Bright Idea about packing your classroom.  Some of you may know, that I have accepted a 1st grade position at a school in Maui.  So our family will be ordering containers, packing our house and ...


Teacher Confessions

I'm linking up with my friend Jennifer, over at Rowdy in First Grade for some Teacher Confessions.... The same thing happened last year - I plowed through our reading curriculum and now we get to actually have some fun, literature-based lessons.  Right now we're doing ...


Teacher Appreciation Sale!

Starting tomorrow is a big sitewide sale at Teachers Pay Teachers!  I'll be participating in the sale and have been working my little hiney off getting some new units uploaded. First up is a fun game to help teach sound blending: Dino-Mite Sound Blending.  I teach ...


May Day is Lei Day

May 1st is a special day in Hawaii - May Day! On May Day, we celebrate our aloha spirit for our friends and family and give leis to each other!  To teach my students about Lei Day, we learned about each island's official color and flower.  Here is our classroom bulletin ...


Big Reveal - Modern Apple!

Have you been obsessively checking out Schoolgirl Style's new collections, like me?  Seriously, Melanie is so awesome and I've loved her style ever since I saw her bird classroom almost 3 years ago. Ever since April 21st, Melanie has been releasing her 16 newest designs ...