Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

2nd Grade Swap!

I'm teaming up with some of my fav 2nd grade bloggers to bring you a Second Grade Product Swap and Blog Hop!  I was paired up with the lovely Angela from Hippo Hooray for Second Grade! She has such an adorable blog and the best ideas!   These past couple of ...


Five for Friday - on Saturday

Ok, I'm pulling a move I learned from Teeny and I'm posting my Five for Friday on Saturday!  Whoops!  I'm off to run in the Maui Color Run tomorrow, so I've been busy making tutus and cutting up tshirts! :) ONE I'm loving our Hawaiian bulletin board.  We colored ...


Learning About US Regions

For the 2nd year in a row, my class participated in a postcard around the country project hosted by Cheryl at Primary Graffiti.  We LOVE receiving our postcards and reading each one. Here is our bulletin board from last year.  Each state was a different color and we ...


Super Improver Wall Update!

You may remember that I made a Hawaiian themed Super Improvers Wall for my classroom.  Well, I have changed up the way I pass out stickers.  They don't go on the little surfer boys and girls on the board anymore - they go in a sticker book! Head on over to my ...


Bright Ideas - Guided Reading Warm-Ups!

On my grade level team, I teach the students who are below the benchmark.  I don't teach them all day, just during small group time.  I have an aide and also a Special Education inclusion teacher in my room during that time, so the kids get lots of support, which they ...