What I Did to Teach About MLK, Jr.

Aloha! This past week has been cuh-razy!  Report cards went home last Thursday, my Quarter 3 weekly planner is currently past due, and my beautiful little sister was here all week. Here she is on a little hike we took near my favorite beach.  The rock in the background ...


Crafting and Creating

I'm joining up with Blog Hoppin for their fun week-long linky! I LOVE crafting and creating fun things for my classroom, home, and gifts.  On my sidebar, you'll find labels of DIY and Crafts.  I also have a lot of projects on Classroom DIY that you can check ...


Fun and Family

I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin' this week!  Day 1 is all about Fun & Family!  Here is our Christmas card for this year. That's my Mother in Law, Audrey (just turned 4), Hubby, Nate (almost 8!) and me.  We are so fortunate that my MIL has come to ...