Hawaiian Teacher Blog Hop, Sale, and a FREEBIE!

I am linking up with my favorite Hawaiian teacher bloggers to bring you Hawaii-exclusive freebies!   This week marks my one year anniversary of living on Lanai!  Just like Audrey's swim shirt from my favorite surf shop on Maui says, This Ain't the Mainland! ...


R-E-A-D Sign - Monday Made It

I've been making quite a bit of progress in my classroom this past week. I organized some books: Put up my new Tropical WBT rules signs {snag them for free on my WBT Blog!} Painted my cabinets white (that's the only color that was in the janitor's shed, and I just ...


New Blog - Owl-ways Be Inspired - and a Giveaway!

Have you heard about the new 2nd/3rd grade collaborative blog, Owl-Ways Be Inspired?  Well, I'm an author!  Head on over today to read a little about me and also to snag my Back to School Exclusive Freebie! With my freebie, I printed the labels on Avery full page shipping ...


Pets in the Classroom

Do you have a classroom pet?  Maybe you have a guinea pig, fish, or a snake.  Maybe you don't have a pet, but you want to have one.  Did you know that taking care of a classroom pet can help teach your students responsibility and can also be an engaging motivator ...


How Inventive! A New TpT Unit Giveaway and a FREEBIE! {giveaway closed}

Back when I taught 3rd grade in Oregon, one of our science standards was to learn about inventions.  Students were to create a prototype and test it.  My district used OCDE Project GLAD® (Guided Language Acquisition) units to teach science that teachers in the ...