Five for Friday and a FREEBIE!

This is my first Five for Friday and I'm so excited to participate!

In library this week, I read my class the book Tutu Hamana: The Shaka Sign Story.  I had heard this story before, but I loved reading it to my kids.  Even though most of my kids were born and raised in Hawaii, many of them didn't know where the Shaka sign came from!

To carry on learning about Hawaiian culture this week, our weekly art project was Hawaiian colors!  When I taught 1st grade in Oregon, my team would do these rainbows and write color words on the strips of paper.  I did the same thing, but wrote the words in Hawaiian!  "Anuenue" is written on the cloud and it means "rainbow".

We finished up with our read aloud of James and the Giant Peach last week, so I owed my class a party!  We had an ice cream bar, watched the movie, and did Ashley's super awesome Movie Response pack!  It gave the kids something to work on while we watched the movie and was a great discussion starter after the movie was over!

We've been reviewing money: how to count it, how to make change, etc.  We also started a classroom economy and made origami wallets to keep our money in.  Check out my blog post {here}.

I updated a freebie I made last summer when I took an ESOL course on SIOP.  It's a cooperative learning structure for reading and discussing nonfiction text.  I'd love for you to {check it out} and rate it for me if you like it!

What were you up to this week?


  1. Hello! I just found your blog through the linky! Happy to be your newest follower! :)

    Kinder Krazy

  2. I'm going to check out that book! I've kinda become obsessed with Hawaiian culture! Maybe because I have dreams of living there someday...

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  3. I need to get that book! I should probably figure out where the Shaka sign comes from.

    Extra Special Teaching

  4. Thanks for the freebie! I know it will be a big help with my small groups. :)
    Mrs. Landry's Land of Learning
