Currently & some DIY

I'm linking up with Farley from Oh Boy Fourth Grade for October's Currently!

Listening:  As I'm typing I can hear the microwave thawing out some chicken.  My hubby got a new job the other day, so he'll be working later than me and it is now my job to cook dinner.  The fam won't get tired of Top Ramen 4 times a week, right?  Kidding!

Loving: Hawaii public schools have a week long Fall Break this week.  I can't believe it's almost over!  We've been having so much fun going to the beach, exploring more of Lana'i, visiting my parents on Maui, and shopping at Costco!

Thinking:  Since school started on July 31st, we have already been in school for one quarter.  That's so crazy to me!  I've learned so much, but it still seems like it's gone by so fast.  I'm looking forward to the rest of the year!

Wanting:  As I mentioned above, my parents are in Hawaii for Fall Break, too.  They are in Lana'i with us right now and staying at a hotel in town.  Currently, they are sailing with my son's 1st grade teacher.  Lucky ducks!  It's been so great having them here, I'm not sure I want them to leave!

Needing:  Nothing!  We went shopping in Maui and stocked up on things, my hubby got a new job, I've been spending quality time with the kiddos and my parents.  I am so content and happy!

Book:  I know I was supposed to tell you about a fall or Halloween type book, but I wanted to tell you what I am reading right now.  Moloka'i is a historical fiction novel about a little girl in the late 1800's from Honolulu who contracts Leprosy and is sent to live in Kalapapa, Moloka'i.  I'm not even half way through it and I love it so far.  It's really interesting, is helping me learn more about the Hawaiian culture, and is a good story.  I love how the author weaves in Hawaiian words and traditions throughout the story.  I've heard he wrote another book Honolulu and I'll be checking that one out next!

My monthly Classroom DIY post went out today, make sure to check it out!  It's a project for making art out of torn or ripped books you love.

Also, make sure to check out my current giveaway - an Interactive Story iPad app!


  1. I sure do wish we had a "FALL" break here in Texas. Fall doesn't usually arrive until Decemberish, but it seems to have arrived right on time this year. I am loving the weather.
    It was so interesting to read that you are a teacher in Hawaii. I currently teach in a school district that is filled primarily with military families. This year, I have several students who have lived in Hawaii, one that just moved back to Texas over the summer. Savor you last few days of the break!

    1. Thanks Kelli! I have a few former military families in Lana'i, but mostly families who used to work in the pineapple industry! It is definitely different than Oregon, where I am from, but we are loving it!

  2. I'm so glad you are loving your new life and that things are going well with your blog! I took a break for awhile, but I'm back to the bloggy world again and am catching up on your posts. How do you like second grade?

    Heather at TeachItToday!

  3. I discoverd your blog through "October Currently" I would love to teach in Hawaii. I hear the cost of living is high there! Plus I dont think the hubs will ever move! Anyway, I enjoyed reading yur blog!

  4. Hi, I am your newest follower. Small world, My sister just moved to Maui about 7 months ago. She is an artist and can't get enough of the colors and weather. we miss her tons but we get beautiful postcards.
    COme check out my blog when you get the chance:

  5. I'm going to check out that book! I learned a lot about Hawaii when we visited this summer and I've become kinda obsessed with Hawaiian culture lately!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  6. So jealous that you have a fall break! Enjoy your last few days of it!

    A Place to Thrive

  7. Just stopping by to check out your Currently. So glad you have enjoyed your fall break! Mine just started today at 3:00...I'm so ready for these next two weeks off! Hope you have a good week back after your break!

    Waving from The Teacher's Chatterbox,

  8. That books sounds interesting. I want a Fall Break in Hawaii. Lol.
    ~April Walker
    The Idea Backpack

  9. Fall Break- I love Fall Break- we are out for a total of 9 days...I'll pause for a moment of silence for my fall break....

    Going Nutty!

  10. I read Moloka'i a few years ago. Thanks for the reminder to look into his other book.

    Chickadee Jubilee
