Open House Week

Rainbow Theme & Freebie

Since I moved to Hawaii this summer, I decided that my new classroom needed a rainbow theme!  I kind of had one last year, with the pom-poms, rainbow rug, and yellow, red, and blue book tubs.  But this year, I wanted the signs in my room to reflect the rainbow theme, as ...


Giveaway! {giveaway closed

I'm giving away my "What To Do When You Are Finished" classroom poster set over at Mrs. Stanford's Classroom blog to celebrate her 1000 followers!  Check it out! :) ...


Two Birds With One Stone

My new school does not have a social studies curriculum.  But the State of Hawaii has social studies standards.  What's a teacher to do, who is learning a new school, new curriculum, new standards, teaching a new grade level, did I mention mommy and wife?  Embed in ...


Pencil Sharpeners

Do you have a love-hate relationship with your pencil sharpener?  I had a hand crank one in my room that I completely removed because A. it didn't work well, B. it took forever to sharpen a pencil, and C. it was screwed into a weird spot behind my desk.  Electric pencil ...


Classroom Tour - After the First Day!

I just finished my second week of school in beautiful Lanai, Hawaii.  But.... I just got internet at our house on Friday!  Yippee!  No more sad, lonely, neglected blog! :) So, now that I am able to access YouTube (it's blocked at my school), I  can ...


Back To School Sale!

I am throwing a 20% off sale in my Teachers Pay Teachers store on Sunday, August 12th and Monday, August 13th! If you use this code: BTS12, you can get an additional 10% off, making your total savings 28% off!  What a great deal! Here are some new units I just posted: What ...


Back To School Magazine

I am so excited to share with you that I got to be a part of this year's Teacher Smart Back-to-School Must Haves!  This eZine is full of amazing ideas, products, and links from some of the best teachers in blogland - Deanna Jump, Miss Kindergarten, The Teacher Wife, and The Organized Classroom Blog, just to name a few.  I feel so fortunate that I got to be included, as well! My section (page 23) is all the ...


Product Swap!

I am so excited to share that I got to participate in Jessica's Product Swap!  Bloggers got to sign up and Jessica matched them up by grade level to swap products and test them out!  I was teamed up with Heather from Teach It Today - she is amazing!  So so so nice, ...