Writing Lists

In my classroom, we do the Daily 5 during reading time. While an assistant and I are meeting with small groups to work on strategies or do assessments, the other students are engaged in reading activities that require minimal set-up on my part: Read to Self, Work on Writing, Listening to Reading (Technology), and Word Work. We'll be slowly adding Read to Someone this spring.  My group of chatty 3rd graders just haven't been ready for it.  We do lots of buddy work in math, science, and social studies, so I figure they get enough of it to where they aren't completely missing that piece.

When we do Work on Writing, my students have several options. They can work on something from Writer's Workshop, start a new piece, write a friendly letter to me or to a friend, or write a list.

When my students write lists, they write lists of their favorite books, of things learned in science that day, the names of their friends, of toys they want for their birthday, of places they want to go on vacation, and much more. We write lists of ideas for writing all the time, so practicing this skill in a self-directed way is a great use of their time during Daily 5.

I found a couple mini clipboards in the dollar section at Target and clip the lists to them. Students who want to write lists can get a clipboard, find a comfy space in the classroom, and get to work "right away" - just like the Daily 5 book says! :)

Here are the kiddos who chose Work on Writing today and wrote lists of ideas for their writing journals:

You can get a full set of lists for writing from my TpT store for only $3.00.  Check them out! :)


  1. Isn't Daily 5 grand? Real reading and real writing with little prep on my part. Love it.


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