Classroom Jobs

Moving up to 3rd grade has been quite the journey for me. For starters, I've never had specific classroom jobs before. Not because I didn't think my firsties could handle it, but because I didn't want to manage one more thing in my classroom. After searching around, I found ...



Do you have a wish-list a mile long for things for your classroom, but can't afford it all yourself?  DonorsChoose can help!  DonorsChoose is a non-profit organization where teachers can go on, create a profile, and request items for their classroom.  Family, ...


New Blog!

I love reading teacher blogs and love sharing things with my colleagues.  I have a crafting/decorating blog over at Nicole's Crafting Adventure, where I have made some classroom related posts.  However, it's hard to put both of my loves (teaching and crafting) together in one blog.  The solution?   A separate teacher blog!  So here I am world, a brand new teacher blog.  Come back ...