Primary-age students love learning through songs!  Here are some resources for teaching with songs and chants:Lory Evan's Math SongsPasco School District Math GLAD ChantsDual Language Education of New Mexico GLAD Chant BankHave Fun TeachingSongs for TeachingWhat other ...


Books for Teaching Primary Math

K-2 teachers love to teach using picture books!  Here is a list of books suggested by the Math Learning Center for teaching mathematics concepts.Counting & Number SenseTen, Nine, Eight by Molly BangThe Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle1,2,3 to the Zoo by ...


Math Daily 3

Like many teachers, I'm all about PD and planning over the summer.  One subject that hasn't been going so well in my room for the past few years is math, and I want to do something about it! We use a state approved curriculum called Stepping Stones that is all online.  ...


Arts Integration - Music

Throughout my work with the Maui Arts and Cultural Center and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, I have gotten the chance to work with three amazing music teacher artists: Imani Gonzalez, James McCarthy, and Frank Leto. Imani Gonzalez is a professional jazz/world ...


Dance Education: Bill Robinson

For the past 3.5 years, I have been teaching tap dance classes in the evenings for our local theater company Maui OnStage. It started because I love to tap and the other teacher wanted to phase out. Now I have taken continued education through the American Tap Dance Foundation, ...


Where Does Our Food Come From? Nutrition In First Grade

When I taught 1st grade, my school used the Wonders reading curriculum. This post is all about some ideas we used for Unit 3, Week 5 and the essential question “How do we get our food?”Make sure to scroll down to the bottom for a fun freebie!Find my Essential Questions on TPTThe ...


Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites

I know I'm about 3 years late to this party - but I've had the book Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites on my shelf since 2015 and I knew I needed to read it! Since I've been working in an Arts-Integrated school, my teaching has really transformed.  I don't do nearly the same ...