SIOP and Teaching ELs

The district I work in is extremely diverse.  There are over 25 languages spoken in my school!  Because of this, all teachers in my district have to be very savvy to strategies for teaching English Language Learners.  You already know about my obsession with OCDE Project GLAD® and my work with Systematic ELD, so this summer I decided to take a couple grad school courses to finish up my ESOL endorsement.  I've been teaching with ESOL strategies for six years, but knew that the endorsement would bring me some more ideas and tools to use in my classroom.

The main model for instruction that my class is focusing on is SIOP: Sheltered Instruction, Observation Protocol. Here is the SIOP website:

Most research claims that this kind of teaching is also good for students from poverty, since their language levels are significantly lower than their middle class peers.  Since my school is both high poverty and high EL, this is a must for me!

A SIOP lesson has eight components, and I found some great YouTube videos to explain each one.  Click on the link below to watch them.
  1. Lesson Preparation
  2. Building Background Knowledge
  3. Comprehensible Input
  4. Strategies
  5. Interaction
  6. Practice/Application
  7. Lesson Delivery
  8. Review/Assessment

What other resources do you have for Sheltered Instruction?  Do you have ELs in your class?  What kinds of strategies do you like to teach with?


  1. Just gave you the “One Lovely Blogger Award” because I always enjoy reading your posts.
    April @ The Idea Backpack

  2. I love SIOP and have been a trainer of trainers for many years. I have all of their resource materials.I trained many elementary teachers on my school District. I have taken courses with Jana Echevarria, , Mary Vogt and Debera Short of CAL( Center for Applied Linquistics.) Jana has a good resource book called Sheltered Content Instruction. I also think that teaching language through content is what ELA Common Core standards is about when you are teaching Science and Social Studies.It will be great training for your new job. Would love to share more. All of my ELA Guided Reading and Writing Units try to follow the SIOP model.
    LMN Tree

    1. Wow, Arlene, you are so experienced! I have a couple of your units and love the way they are geared towards English learners! I can't wait to collaborate in the future and learn some of your expertise!

  3. I came across your blog via the blog-hop for the D5 book study, but found SIOP instead and WOW! I'm not familiar with it but clicked on the links you provided and I'm adding it to my Reading List. Thank you for the resources and insights!

  4. I also ama huge fan of the SIOP model and am the trainer for my campus!! I am currently writing curriculum for the district using the SIOP model and incorprating the components. Great post!
    Curls and a Smile

    1. Wow, that sounds amazing! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  5. Hi Nicole..I'm your new ester follower and a fellow third grade teacher! I recently visited portland on my summer vacation and am totally wanting to live there too. I'm totally jealous of your tax free shopping too!! haha
    Teaching in Paradise

    1. So funny that you visited Portland this summer, because I just moved to Lanai! :) Hope to run into you soon!

  6. I LOVE GLAD! I always say that I am unofficially trained in glad because both of my master teachers in my program were GLAD trained. I LEARNED so much from them! My district is very similar to yours. Glad that I stumbled on your blog! Come check out mine :)

    Look Who's Teaching

  7. I too am a SIOP and a GLAD fan. If you are looking for SIOP-y and GLAD-ish sheltering ideas, check out my website for free research-based tips and classroom materials:

  8. Wow...I am a pinterest fan, and just thought I'd search "SIOP" and was surprised to find that there were actually pins! I am an ELL teacher in Iowa. I have been using SIOP for the past 6 years and for this is my 3 rd year of coaching and training teachers in our district. I look forward to reading your post!

  9. Hi Nicole, I was wondering how you differentiate between the SIOP and GLAD? Are you going to use both or just one? I'm not familiar with GLAD, although I clicked your linked to read on; but I am familiar with SIOP.
    Thanks for the info!
